A brand-new carcinogenic GMO pesticide called “Enlist Duo”; it is about to hit the market and the health of your brain could be in trouble. This highly toxic chemical could spell an environmental and public health disaster for thousands of school children who attend class in proximity to major farms that will be spraying their […]
Category: Nature
PHOTO REPORT | Amazon indian warriors beat and strip illegal loggers in battle for jungle’s future
A group of warriors from Brazil’s indigenous Ka’apor tribe tracked down illegal loggers in the Amazon, tied them up, stripped them and beat them with sticks. I used to worry that all the trees in the jungle would be cut down to make paper for their reports on how to save the rainforest! ~ Nick […]
ARTICLE | 100 year-old tortoise acts as mom to baby hippo
A baby hippopotamus that survived the tsunami waves on the Kenyan coast has formed a strong bond with a giant male century-old tortoise in an animal facility in the port city of Mombassa , officials said The hippopotamus, nicknamed Owen and weighing about 300 kilograms (650 pounds), was swept down Sabaki River into the Indian […]
VIDEO & ARTICLE | One tenth of cooking oil in china comes from sewage (Gutter oil scooped up from drains)
[dropcap]S[/dropcap]ince last year, Chinese authorities have tried to combat the production and use of recycled waste oil. But this illegal practice remains a common complaint, and there are reports these products are ending up on supermarket shelves. Gutter oil continues to make its way to consumers in China, according to local media. The Beijing Times […]
ARTICLE & VISUAL | It’s amazing how they’ve made these bridges.
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n the northeastern Indian state of Meghalaya, where Ficus elastica are large, native outdoor trees that live near water, the local people have been using the ficus’s roots as bridges for generations. These aren’t trees that have fallen naturally over streams, though, which are commonly used as bridges in other places. Instead, the people train […]
QUOTE | How ironic is this?
[dropcap]H[/dropcap]umans are the only creatures in this world who cut the trees, make paper from it and then write “save the trees” on it. ~ Author Unknown
ARTICLE (graphic) & VIDEO | Asian bear bile remedies: traditional medicine or barbarism?
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]magine living 20 years spending 24 hours a day in a cage that tightly fits your body, not giving you room to stand up, stretch out, turn around, or move at all. Imagine that twice a day during these years you would have a metal catheter inserted into a hole which has been cut into […]
VIDEO | This machine feeds stray dogs in exchange for recycling bottles! What an awesome idea!
[dropcap]A[/dropcap] recycling machine in Istanbul does more than just help the environment, it also feeds the stray dogs in the city! When a person puts a bottle into the machine, it dispenses food into a bowl below for the waiting dogs. Helping the environment and stray dogs – now that’s creative! See more about this genius machine below!
Top 22 Benefits of Trees
[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ere are 22 of the best reasons to plant and care for trees or defend a tree’s standing: Trees combat the greenhouse effect Global warming is the result of excess greenhouse gases, created by burning fossil fuels and destroying tropical rainforests. Heat from the sun, reflected back from the earth, is trapped in this thickening […]
26 Impressive works of art made from recycled materials
Recycling old junk not only benefits the environment, it breathes new life into old objects that were once destined for the landfill. The artists who created these 25 impressive works of art made from recycled materials certainly believed that one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Maybe their amazing handiworks will inspire you to roll […]